My first post will be a review of 3 products:
- Mama Mio Tummy Rub Strech Mark Butter
- WAHL Steel Curling Tongs 25mm and
- Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion
Moj prvi post ce biti pregled 3 proizvoda koja sam skoro dobila kao deo narudzbine:
- Mama Mio krema za prevenciju strija tokom trudnoce
- WAHL figaro za kosu i
-Cetaphil Losion za telo
Ok, so here are my first impressions of the products:
Mama Mio: Actually, this one I have been using for a while now. Or to be exact since my 12. week of pregnancy (in 2 days I will be 30th week). For those of you who never heard about this brand, you can check them out on . After years of experience in beauty industry and 7 children, these 4 women have developed a really excelent product that beauty world went nuts for.
First time I heard about it was on youtube from one of the vlogers I follow. She had 4 kids by now and no stretch marks so I decided to check it out. Of course, I'm not that naive to believe in miracles. As you know, there is no evidence that stretch marks can be prevented by using creams. Stretch marks occur when the middle layer of the skin, the dermis,
becomes damaged by excessive stretching. When the dermis is stretched,
tearing occurs. One of the main factors is of course genetics. So, if your mom had it, there are big chances you will too. Of course this doesn't mean you will and you can do some things to try and avoid it. So, don't just sit there are do nothing... moisturise your skin every single day because it really helps your skin look and feel healthy and you can maybe reduce or avoid stretch marks. All of the reviews are read and watched so far, from different sources, are positive and I didn't see anyone getting stretch marks using this creams. From my personal experience, I can confirm this fact. So far, no stretch marks and hopefully it will stay this way until the birth and after. :)
All in all, great product, smells amazing... it's one of the rare products that won't make you sick. It's very thick in consistency but still very light, it doesn't leave a greasy residue on the skin so you can put on your clothes after applying it. And since it is a very light cream and sinks into the skin quickly, it is still amazingly creamy and rich so if you put it on in the evening, you will still feel that your skin is completely moisturised the next day. I highly recommend this cream. I wouldn't dream of using anything else as long as they exist! I also use Boob tube. Amazing products!!
p.s. Very important fact is that these products don't contain any harmfull ingredients. All products carry Mama Mio's "No Nasties" guarantee, and are free of
parabens, petrolatum, Sodium Laureth and Sodium Laurel Sulphate,
Xenoestrogen, Phtalates, and synthetic colourants and fragrances.
Mama Mio: Ovaj proizvod koristim vec neko vreme. Ili da budem tacna, od 12. nedelje trudnoce (za 2 dana cu biti u navrsenoj 30. nedelji). Za one koji nikad nisu culi za ovaj brend, mozete da pogledate sajt i detaljno istrazite: Ukratko, posle dugogodisnjeg iskustva u beauty industriji i sedmoro dece, ove 4 zene su razvile i plasirale ovaj zaista odlican proizvod za kojim je beauty svet poludeo.
Prvi put sam cula za njih na youtube-u od jedne devojke ciji kanal pratim. Ona do sad ima cetvoro dece i nijednu striju tako da sam odlucila da ih proverim. Naravno, nisam ni tako naivna da odmah poverujem u cuda. Kao sto neki od vas znaju, ne postoji dokaz da mozete spreciti pojavu strija upotrebom krema. One nastaju kada srednji sloj koze, dermis, postane ostecen kao posledica preteranog rastezanja i sirenja. Kada se dermis siri, dolazi do pucanja. Jedan od glavnih faktora u pojavi strija je naravno genetika. Ukoliko ih je vasa mama imala, velika je sansa da cete i vi. Naravno, to ne znaci da hocete i uvek mozete pokusati neke stvari da pokusate da ih izbegnete. Dakle, nemojte samo sedeti i kukati da ne mozete nista protiv toga... mazite telo svaki dan jer ce vam koza biti zahvalna - zdrava na dodir i na oko, a usput mozete mozda umanjiti ili kompletno izbeci pojavu strija. Sve dosadasnje ocene proizvoda, koje sam nasla na razlicitim izvorima, su pozitivne i do sada nisam cula za bilo koga ko je dobio strije a da je koristio ovaj proizvod.
Iz mog licnog iskustva, mogu samo da potvrdim ovo. Do sada, nemam nijednu striju i nadam se da ce tako ostati do i posle porodjaja. :)
Sve u svemu, odlican proizvod, mirise predivno... ovo je verovatno jedan od retkih proizvoda od kog vam nece biti muka. Sto se konzistencije tice, prilicno je gust krem, ali zaista lagan s druge strane, ne ostavlja kozu masnom tako da se mozete obuci odmah posle nanosenja. S obzirom da je tako lagane formulacije i koza ga brzo upija, zanimljivo je da je tako kremast i bogat da iako ga nanesete uvece, ujutro mozete osetiti da je koza jos uvek nahranjena i mekana (ako odete pod tus, oseticete ostatke kreme na kozi sto je fascinantno s obzirom da ste spavali 8 sati, tako da bi logicno bilo da je krema nestala sa koze).
Zaista najtoplije preporucujem ovu kremu. Ja je necu i ne bih menjala sve dok postoje. Takodje koristim i njihovu kremu za grudi - Boob tube. Odlicni proizvodi! P.s. Veoma vazno je spomenuti da njihovi proizvodi ne sadrze nikakve stetne sastojke, kao sto su parabeni, sinteticke boje i mirisi, itd. (kompletnu listu vidite na engleskom malo iznad).
Price/Cena: 29.90 Euros
WAHL Curling Tong I ordered for amazing 11.70 Euros
I have never used anything from this brand before but since I needed a curling iron (my old one has served its purpose :)) I figured I will buy it since it's so cheap and even if it's not good I haven't waisted a lot of money. So, I have used it two times so far... I have to say that I'm not amazed by it but it does the job. I don't know what is the average temperature for curling irons but this one heats up to max 150C, which is not a lot I would say comparing to my old one. I don't know the max temp of that one but comparing the time it takes for one piece of hair to curl up, I would say that this one is not that hot. Which is good for the hair I guess but it takes more time to get the desired effect. It does have a "cold tip" so you can hold it more easily... so that's a plus. There are 2 heat settings. The cord is 1.9 m which may seem like a lot but to be honest, I wish it was +1m. If you have a low budget and/or you are a beginner using these devices, I would really recommend it. If you are more experienced with hair tools in general, this one won't be of much use to you.
And last thing that I forgot to mention is that it comes with UK plug in, so you will need to get european adapter for it (since it is UK website).
WAHL figaro za kosu sam narucila za 11.70 eura.
Do sad nisam koristila ovaj brend ali posto mi je hitno trebao figaro (moj stari je vec odsluzio svoj rok :)), narucila sam ovaj jer je bio tako jeftin, pa cak i ako nije dobar, nisam potrosila puno para na njega tako da mi ne bi bilo zao. Do sad sam ga upotrebila 2 puta... Moram da kazem da nisam impresionirana ali svakako radi ono za sta je predvidjen. Ne znam koja je prosecna temperatura na koju se figaro zagreva, niti koja je max, ali ovaj se zagreva do 150C, sto i nije tako puno u poredjenju sa mojim starim figarom. Ne znam koja je bila njegova max temperatura ali ako poredim vreme koje je potrebno da se uvije jedan pramen, rekla bih da je jaci od novog. Ovo moze biti dobro za kosu pretpostavljam ali treba vise vremena da se kosa uvije i dobije zeljeni efekat. Kao sto mozete da vidite na slikama, figaro ima "hladan vrh" tako da je manevrisanje dosta lakse... tako da je to plus. Postoje dva podesavanja za temperaturu - I i II. Kabal je dugacak 1.9 m sto moze da deluje da je dovoljno, ali iskreno ne bi skodilo da su dodali jos metar kabla. Ako imate ogranicen budzet i/ili ste pocetnik sto se ovakvih alata tice, ovo je figaro za vas. Ako vec imate iskustva sa presama i ostalim alatima, onda vam ovaj mozda nece biti od neke velike koristi. Ono sto sam zaboravila da spomenem jer da dolazi sa UK konektorom, pa ce vam trebati adapter koji mozete naci u bilo kojoj radnji za kucu.
Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion - I heard a lot of UK bloggers talking about this brand... their face creams, body lotions, etc. So, I have decided to order one for myself since I've heard that this one can be used for both face and body. I haven't used it for my face so far but I did use it as a body lotion and I can tell you that I am really pleasantly surprised. It is completely odourless which somebody can like or dislike. I do like when something smells nicely but if this is nice if you don't want to over do it with the scented body lotion, perfume, hair products, etc. As for the moisturising effect, it really does the job perfectly. I have dry skin and it is hard to find a nice product which is light and moisturising and the same time. This one is exactly like that. Same like with Mama Mio products, it gets absorbed very quickly but the skin is nourished. Oh and you only need small amount of it to cover your whole body so it won't run out quickly. Love it and will def re-purchase.
Cetaphil losion za telo - Za ovaj brend sam cula od raznih blogera i vlogera iz UK... o kremama za lice, losionima za telo, itd. Tako da sam odlucila da konacno narucim jedan jer sam cula da se ovaj moze koristiti i za lice i za telo. Do sad sam ga samo koristila na telu i mogu vam reci da sam prijatno iznenadjena. Nema nikakav miris, sto nekom moze da se svidi ili ne. Ja licno volim kad mleko ili losion za telo imaju prijatan miris, ali ovo je fino ako ne zelite da preterate koristeci i mirsljavi losion za telo i parfem i lakove i proizvode za kosu, itd. Sto se tice hranjenja i vlazenja koze, apsolutno radi svoj posao. Ja imam prilicno suvu kosu i tesko je naci neki proizvod koji ovo postize a da ne zamasti kozu kompletno. Slican je kao Mama Mio proizvodi, jer ga koza prilicno brzo upija, ali je koza nahranjena. I da, treba vam jako mala kolicina da bi ste pokrili celo telo, tako da se nece brzo istrositi. Definitivno preporucujem da probate jer cu ga ja sigurno ponovo kupiti.
Price for 236 ml/Cena: 10.86 Euros
Well, that's all for the first blog. Talk to you soon with some other reviews. Hope this has been useful.
I will talk about couple of good shopping websites in one of the next posts. To bi bilo to za moj prvi blog. Cujemo se uskoro sa nekim novim proizvodima. Nadam se da je ovo bilo korisno. Spomenucu par dobrih sajtova koji isporucuju za ceo svet sa besplatnom isporukom u nekom narednom tekstu.
Bye, bye
kad nema Mama mio-e dobar je i Šaljić :)
ReplyDeleteApsolutno! :) Samo to si koristila od pocetka do sad? Pretpostavljam da nisi dobila strije?
DeletePa ne baš od samog početka, možda od nekog 3-4 meseca, nove strije do sada nisam primetila (a imam ih nekoliko sa strane na bokovima od pre).
DeleteŠto kaže moja sestra, namackam se od grudi do kolena - bolje sprečiti nego lečiti :) a za ostatak tela Mustela il Eucerin :D
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